GeoMine-OreChaser is Released!

February 3, 2022 – Ottawa: ThreeDify is thrilled to announce GeoMine-OreChaser, an integrated infill drilling plan optimizer for both open-pit and underground mines.

OreChaser allows drill planners to determine the optimum number, positions and lengths of additional drill holes required to maximize the resource uplift for a given drill budget spend. OreChaser features a proprietary 3D Genetic Algorithm with the choice of two search strategies: RocDP (Randomized Ore Chasing Drilling Plane) strategy and (FRD) Fully Random Drilling strategy, both aiming to minimize Kriging variances.

Unlike most other competing drill hole optimizers, which can only generate simple non-directional drill holes, the auto-generated infill drill holes in OreChaser can be either directional or non-directional with an optional fan-out configuration, and they can start either from a topographical surface (for Open-pit mines) or from mine accesses (for underground mines). Furthermore, OreChaser also provides a slew of options allowing the users to easily adapt and customize the underlying Genetic Algorithm to suit their own specific data set.

To learn more or request a live demo of GeoMine-OreChaser, please visit our OreChaser page or Contact ThreeDify.