Integrated Haulage Analysis & Fleet Budgeting

GeoMine-HaulCalc (HaulCalc), provides a detailed analysis of haul routes and is an ideal fleet budgeting tool: it can be used to determine the truck fleet required to meet a target production rate or the achievable production rate based on a given truck fleet. 

This module is comprised of a Road Network Manager, Fleet Manager and Haul Route Analyzer. The Road Network Manager adds a suite of road generation and editing tools to the GeoMine platform; the Fleet Manager features an extensible truck database, and the Haul Route Analyzer partitions a given road network into road segments and performs route analysis on user-selected routes.  

HaulCalc Key Benefits

Automatically generates centerlines from in-pit or dump ramps and from surface roads;

Creates and edits road networks with add, delete, move,  extend road and bridge roads tools. Move and Insert Vertex tools for open-pit and underground mines. 

Provides a built-in extensible  database of trucks, conveyors and railveyors with options to add, delete and edit vehicle types and models.  

Provides all routes available to the user for a given road network;

Calculates the fleet and cycle time required to meet a given production rate for a given route;

Calculates the attainable production rate and cycle time given a fleet and a route in a road network.

Generates detailed segment-by-segment route analysis report for a given route in CSV format.

System Requirements: