Gridded Seam Modelling, Optimization, Design and Scheduling
GeoMine GSM is a suite of GeoMine modules for Gridded Seam Modelling, Optimization, Design and Scheduling. The GSM modules are specifically tailored for stratified deposits such as coal seams, thin phosphate or limestone deposits whose horizontal extent is considerably larger than the vertical extent, which imposes computational challenges to conventional 3D block modelling.
GSM Key Benefits
- Accurate: Tools are tailored for modelling, evaluating and designing stratified deposits.
- Easy-to-use: Parametric Designer allows either incremental or parametric generation of pits or dumps with ramps.
- Fast: Build entire models and pit designs in minutes
GSM Feature List
Easily import and visualize 3D
Easily import and visualize 3D drillholes with geometric and histogram plots.
Creates Gridded Seam Models
Creates Gridded Seam Models (GSMs) directly from drill holes, with support for faults and other geometric constraints.
Ability to repair and validate seams
Ability to repair and validate seams, and enforce correct seam sequences.
Options for both 3D and 2D compositing
Options for both 3D compositing and compositing by seams.
Create continuous and/or categorical attributes
Ability to create continuous and/or categorical attributes and assign them to GSMs.
Both 2D and 3D resource estimation tools
Provides both 2D and 3D inverse distance interpolation methods.
Built-in Pit Optimizer
The built-in Pit Optimizer determines the optimum pit limit and allows the user to incorporate any constraints using GeoMine’s unique Visual Formula Editor.
Surface roads on any existing mine
Creates surface roads on any existing mine topography.
Generates resource reports
Generates resource reports for GSMs and reserves reports for designed pits.
Creates mining activities and resources (coming soon)
Creates mining activities and resources, and schedule them using the built-in Gantt Chart with an automatic resource levelling algorithm.