GeoMine-FSO (Flat Shape Optimizer) is available now

May 25, 2022 – Ottawa: ThreeDify is pleased to announce the general availability of GeoMine FSO. GeoMine FSO is a minable shape optimizer and parametric designer for Room & Pillar or  Bord and Pillar mining methods for flat or moderately inclined thin tabular or seam orebodies, such as coal, potash, trona, limestone and manganese. FSO includes an automatic boundary optimizer, a parametric room and pillar/bord and pillar designer. Given a grade model and a set of economic parameters, FSO automatically determines the optimum mining boundary and interactively generates the best-fit room and pillar/bord design in minutes.

For more information about GeoMine FSO, please visit our GeoMine FSO page or contact ThreeDify from our Contact page.